
OMT z.s.

Sunday 8.6.2025
Public International Triathlon race, part of  CZECHMAN Triathlon weekend
0,6km swim - 26km bike - 6km run
Dolany, Staré Ždánice
Race director
Tomáš Petr

The starting limit for year 2025 is 200 slots.

More info.

If you have any questions, please contact us at :


7:30 - 8:30 on Sunday 8.6.2025

Time schedule
More info.
The race is held according to CTA (Czech Triathlon Association) rules and the provisions of this regulation. Each racer participates in the race at his / her own risk, the organizer is not liable for damages to the racers caused or caused by them. The organizer reserves the right to make any necessary technical changes to the race regulation due to unforeseeable circumstances.

Swimming: 0,6 km, pond Hrádek, excellent water quality, temperature 18-20ºC, the use of neoprene is governed by the rules ČTA (use of neoprene is prohibited if the water temperature reached 24,5ºC or higher).
Cycling: 26 km, 2 laps of 13 km (loop - there/back), excellent surface quality of asphalt. The cycling track will be fully closed.

Bicycle helmet is mandatory. All bikes that meet the safety criteria are allowed.

DRAFTING IS PROHIBITED! Bike part of the race takes place as an individual time-trial, distance between individual competitors must be minimum of 10m. 
Failure to comply with these rules is punishable by penalty.

Running: 6 km, 2 laps in surroundings of pond Hrádek, flat track, mostly on asphalt surface, partly sandy surface.

TIME LIMIT for finish is: 2:00h from the start of the race.


Age groups, automatically by year of the birth:

Each individual category includes men's and women's variations

Category Year of birth
Youth 16 - 17 2008 - 2009
Junior 18 - 19 2006 - 2007
Adults 20 - 29 1996 -2005
Adults 30 - 39 1986 -1995
Adults 40 - 49 1976 - 1985
Adults 50 - 59 1966 - 1975
Adults 60 and older 1965 and older
Relay "classic" no resolution

Relay - three-member (1. 0,6km swim, 2. 26km bike, 3. 6km run)


Running: Water, ion drink.

Finish: Fruit, sweet pastries, water, ion drink, Coca Cola.

After Race: Warm food for each competitor, including relay participants.

Chip timing will be used to measure times.
Every pre-entered competitor until 21.5.2025 gets the original T-shirt "FINISHER" (guaranteed) at the finish of the individual race. Cups or prizes for the first three in each category.

If you have any questions, please contact us at


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